Well - another month gone by. Summer seems to go pretty quickly these days. Before you know it - the kids will be back in school.
We are enjoying our summer. Rachel has finished her Camp Harpeth (church camp at her old preschool) and also her Horse Riding Camp. So now we have to rest of the summer with nothing to do. I am going to take her to the $1 movie tomorrow at Green Hills Cinema. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 am - you can see a movie for $1. You don't get to choose but they are kids movies and they are always fun.
We also celebrated Rachel's 6th birthday. 11 girls at our house for three hours. It went pretty good. I think next year it will be a family birthday or have it somewhere where they take care of everything.
Justin also got a car and is loving life right now. I'm happy for him.
I also wanted you to see the commission I finished for a client recently. I love it and they seem to be very happy too. See the picture attached.
I'm trying right now to venture out and get my work in galleries in different cities. Atlanta, Birmingham, etc. Wish me luck.
Ciao for now. Be back soon.
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