I'm all excited for school to be out. I plan on painting a lot and also having fun with Rachel.
The Art reception went wonderfully. I had a great response and got to have all my friends and colleagues with me for a night. A couple notables came out which is good for me hopefully in the future. If anything, my work got out in front of a lot more people. Yay!
Although most people like my style with the dripping black acrylic paint, they were surprised I didn't have that as the featured pieces in the show. They really liked the new work. I had a friend of mine say that he thought this work was really pushing it out there and that made me happy. I don't want to get stuck in a rut doing the same style all the time. I want to grow and experiment. Here is one I did the other day. I've got it in my living room b/c I really dig it. I may leave it there and just do another.
Have fun today!