Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Times!

Hey Everybody I'm sitting here wondering again what the heck I'm going to write about. A few things have happened since the last time we spoke. I did a show in Memphis that went really well. Sold 3 paintings. That's always a plus. But the biggest plus was that I got to hang with my brother for a little bit and then Sunday my mom, my niece and I went and had a spectacular brunch at Owen Brennan's. Delicious! PLUS - one of my moms closest friends while I was growing up was there. Her name is Ginger just like my niece's. We sat and talked for a long time and it was great. She is still the same. We both hadn't seen her since my mom's wedding 18 years ago. Time flies.

Justin's football team ended their season last Friday night in the second round playoffs. I won't mention the score. In Justin's words, "we got owned." Enough said. While I love football season with Justin - I am glad it is over. I will miss seeing my friends, Mary, Jennifer, Lance and John as much as we do in the Fall.

A little good news. No great news. I am now represented by Gallery 202 in Franklin, Tennessee. It is a wonderful gallery and I think my work will do well there. Please stop by and visit. Not sure of the exact date my art will hang but I will let you adoring fans know.

I will be doing the Brentwood Art Show Dec 3-5 so I hope to see your beautiful faces. The art is always great there.

Last but not least. I will be unveiling a new website soon. While I love my other one - I needed one that I could update as needed and I didn't want to burden my friend Katherine with all the changes. I want to keep her as a friend. It will be the same domain name and will go live in a few days.
