Well - it's been awhile since I blogged and I know most of you (the 6 people that follow) will cut me a break since it was the holidays. It was a great holiday and I was able to just sit back and enjoy most of the days. Except for the two days before Christmas when I came down with Strep Throat. It took me down for about four days. Thanks goodness I had all my shopping done.
Oh - I forgot to tell you that the art show went fantastic. I had a great time. I sold 7 paintings and really felt good about the whole experience. I had a lot of interest and a good amount of people actually recognized my work from Spruce and Redo.
I had some commissions in December that were great. One was for a couple in Germantown. They wanted a big painting to put in their bedroom. They wanted my "Fly." I was so psyched. I just knew someone would appreciate my insects. Yea, yea - dragonflies are nice but a fly in your bedroom. Now that's just down right cool in my book. The other commission was from "Pink's" tour manager. He and his wife saw my work in Spruce and thought the ferris wheel (fair series) would be a great present for Pink so when they contacted me about it - I hated telling them that that piece was sold. I then told them - I could do another no problem. I'm not dumb. Anyway - I just emailed them to see if she (Pink) liked it and they said she loved it. So I have a painting in Pink's house. Yeah!!! Here's a picture of both above.
Next thing we did was go on the Delbert McClinton Blues Cruise. This is a cruise that my husband plays on and we have a blast every time we go. Besides Paul Thorn that Doug was playing with - they had, of course, Delbert - they had Mike Farris, Kevin Welch, Doyle and Debbie (go see them - it is hilarious), Mingo Fishtrap (killer) & Seth Walker out of Austin, and a new guy that we all became friends with, Foy Vance. Google him and listen to his music - it's great. He's a one-man band that kicks ass. His wife, Joanne and I became good friends. She's an artist as well. Check out her work at joannevance.com - it is wonderful. She also has a blog. It's joannevance.blogspot.com. Her little girl, Ella and Rachel played along with Paul's little girl, Bella, the whole trip. They partied it up at Club Hal (on-ship little day camp for little kids). This was good for the parents too. We got our own time. One day we went to a friend's island (he owns it) and we went zip lining. I had been before so if course I thought I knew everything. Guess who crashed into the metal landing on the fifth line? Yes - me. I was not paying attention to my legs when coming in and I just sliced open my leg. It looked worse than it was, thank God. After I lifted my pants leg to make sure bone wasn't sticking out - I was better. Thanks to my friend Heather who looked at it and said oh - it's not that bad, you'll be ok - I was able to finish the adventure. I'm glad too b/c the last line was over the ocean inlet. It was truly beautiful. On our ride to the zip line - two parrots were in front of our 6 wheelers. They were showing us the way. In all - the trip was great. I got to hang with my family, old friends and new.
Lastly - I will be in the Art Event at Lipscomb February 12-14. Please stop by if you can. It makes feel like I have friends. For the men - if you bring your sweetie to an art show on Valentine's Day - you will be in good graces for a long time.
Ok - really lastly - I had to talk about some cool music going on in my own house. My husband is producing a album for a woman named Inbal. She is from Israel. Her music is soooo good. I have loved hearing her in my house for the last couple of weeks. Doug has done such a great job! He is truly talented at what he does. When the record is done - I will share. She is really unique and she is such a great person. It has been great talking with someone that is not from our country and getting her take on the world. Hell - she speaks english better than I do. I took french for 8 years and can somewhat read it - but can I speak of lick of it? NO.
Have a good weekend and I swear I will blog more. My new friend Joanne has given me inspiration to AND pass this on to your friends so I will have more than 6 followers, pleeeaaasssee.
Peace, Love & Ciao