Hello Everyone
I knew these paint parties would be a blast but I didn't know I was going to have such a wonderful time. I had a great time. These ladies were fun, hip and cool. The night started out on Heather's (host) patio with the weather cooperating the whole time. She has some sangria and white wine and everyone brought a dish. People brought wonderful dishes. I think one of these were hummus balls with grapes in them. Sounds good huh? We got started with our canvases and then everyone got comfortable. The talking and laughing never stopped the whole night. I think everyone had a great time but I thought I would share with you a couple of emails I got from some of the girls.
“Thank you SO much for last night! I had a ball!! You are GREAT at what you do and so easy to be around. Staring at that blank canvas was scary for me. I do not think it would have worked with anyone else, you made me feel relaxed and like it was no big deal if I messed up! I woke up this morning eager to learn more!! Lets do it again soon! You blessed me in a huge way”
“I have been meaning to touch base with you...I could not sleep that night of my party...so wound up! I could not wait for the sun to come up so I could get out there and paint some more...which is exactly what I did. Starting around 6:30 with my latte I was out there painting away....did two canvases... As I had another from a garage sale..SO FUN! I have the bug.Everyone had such a blast at the party. They loved it and several said it was the best party they had ever been to! Thank you so much. I know it took longer than you anticipated and you were so patient with everyone....especially me. I hope to have another “dana” party sometime....”
These words meant the world to me. I was so happy that everyone enjoyed themselves. Especially the fact that some are continuing to paint. It really is a lot of fun and defintely therapy for the soul. If anyone is interested in having a paint party at their house - let me know. You can contact me through email (dlkahan@comcast.net) or cell (615-479-9788).
Enjoy the photos from the party. I'm off to go celebrate a friend's birthday.